Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daisy Box

This 3" box has a rather heavy lid doesn't it?>

This 3" box has a rather heavy lid doesn't it?

It was a class project at the club I belong to - most of the girls did much smaller boxes but as I had this one unpainted in my cupboard decided to use it.

The lid has heavy enamel put on it with a spatula and when fired was covered with a product called Fools Gold.

The base and lid of the box was covered with copper lustre and after firing covered with weeping opal around the daisies. After firing this is the result . . . . quite pretty really although I tend to think the lustre looks like it has run and is a bit of a mess! I am hoping someone will want to buy it . . . . or I might find someone I can give it away to. Is this you?