Thursday, May 31, 2012

Geisha Girl

This Geisha Girl was fun to do.    Another one fire project by Sandra Austin from Wellington, New Zealand.   

Friday, May 25, 2012

One fire mugs!

Our club recently had a day of project day of "one fire" mugs, and Lunch Together was my choice to paint.    The way the chooks were painted gave a water colour effect  . . . . they really are quite cute!
I shall paint the other "one fire" subjects in a week or two, as I always enjoy painting one fire things for a bit of fun.

Iris Pillow Vase

The vase shape is traditionally called a "pillow vase"  . . . . doesn't look much like a pillow though does it!
The background is yellow lustre, the flowers and leaves are outlined with liquid bright gold and the inside and top of the neck is gold also.     I love the vibrancy of this vase.